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Saheed J.
22 August 2019
Without doubt the worst legal service I have ever received in my life - I urge anybody who reads this - DO NOT USE THIS SERVICE!!! It is borderline fraudulent. Email me directly so I can prove this isnt a hoax - they keep deleting my comments. I paid £480 of my own money to be represented by this firm in court. After my money was handed over my phonecalls were ignored, my emails were ignored; the addresses they have on their business card - try them... they do not operate in them. I attended the Bromley and Ashford offices personally. I had zero dialogue from the firm after they took my money. To make matters worse they even forgot my hearing date, on the day of my hearing I called the head of the firm Max Reeves from a different number, (the only time he has ever picked up my phonecall)... he never even rememebred my name. Only then they tried to put in place someone to come down to court on my behalf. They lied to myself and the courts constantly about who was coming down and told me they were 15mins away and then continued to ignore my calls. The guy showed up 2 hours later, unprepared - as such I had to seek adjounment & I was so embarrassed. My attemtps to get my money back thus far have been fruitless, my attempts to even have a conversation with any solicitor there have been fruitless. They also lied about submitting an appeal on my behalf. I have kept all evidence if anybody wants to contend I am not telling the truth. The screenshots I have attached are from an email I sent to the solicitors and the courts directly in worry that they were going to forget to do their job again. I received no reply to this from Reeves & co. - only from the court. Trust these people at your peril. Absolute scum - it is disgusting the contempt they treated me with for no reason. They lack empathy in terms of what people are going through. I had to claw and scramble just to get that £480 together. I will keep you updated on my attempts to get my money back or if the office in margate actually exists as I havent tried that one yet. Thanks Saheed
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