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    • Not an SRA-regulated law practice
    • SRA ID: 596387
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S C.
09 June 2021
Slow slow slow terrible customer service. Don't listen, don't respond to emails. Never experienced such poor service in all my life when trying to buy a house
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Oli P.
26 July 2021
Do not waste your time or money. My partner was stuck with these charlatans after going through homeward legal. The sellers solicitors, our estate agent, ourselves and also homeward legal themselves could not get a response out of them. They refused to commit to timescales and sent rude sarcastic emails when asking why they had not reviewed the file yet. Everything our side was provided within an hour of being requested as we did not want to hold up the process. Dreadful service and they should frankly be embarrassed. It's shameful that you can lie to your customers and put peoples moves at risk through sheer incompetence. We are now with a new conveyancer for the past week and have already surpassed where you had managed to move the file onto in 5 weeks. Shame on you.
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