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gayle .
25 February 2019
Nightmare Company. Don't touch. 3 years in Family Court. Every case before judge, a locum solicitor was brought in for the day (or half day). You do not get a solicitor, but a series of locum solicitors. The first one did not even introduce herself between 9am and 5.45 pm and then 'told' me to sign to what she had agreed. Subsequent locums knew nothing until the day of arrival in court. Jennifer will tell you that she is your legal representative and thereafter, cast you adrift because she has "other work out of the city." They take your money and tick boxes, wanting only to toe the court administration line. Find someone else, unless you just need boxes ticking.
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Ken L.
15 November 2019
Donna Plumb recently defended me in the crown court in Leicester. She and Phil Gibbs the barrister were fantastic and helped me through a most difficult time. I can highly recommend Donna and would like to thank her for everything. Good luck Donna . Kind regards, ken
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