• Legal Info:
    • Recognised body law practice
    • SRA ID: 56012
  • Languages spoken:
  • Office facilities:
    Accepts legal aid
    Disabled access to building
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Rozz S.
30 August 2018
Actively avoid, especially for family law. They will provide you with incorrect legal advice then lie about it. Absolutely embarrassing when dealing with a complaint and only respond once every 2 weeks with a 2 line response and wont respond to any points you make. They have no idea what they are doing at all. Thousands of pounds wasted on incorrect advice which they are refusing to give back. Utterly disgraceful. Also when you call up theres never anyone available, and they wont call you back, very understaffed. Dont use them if you want accurate advise and good customer service. Waiting for a detailed response and deadlock letter so i can approach the Ombudsmen. Not holding my breath.
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