If you are running a gaming or betting establishment, you need to understand the licensing laws pertaining to the industry. To find a solicitor who understands the sector inside out, start browsing or searching through our website today. Read more
The term ‘gambling’ covers betting, gaming and lotteries.
The current legislation is contained primarily in the Gambling Act 2005 (GA 2005). This major piece of reforming legislation swept away a complex and historical system that had evolved organically for more than 200 years, reflecting changing attitudes to gambling. The GA 2005 governs all forms of gambling except the National Lottery and forms of betting which are controlled as financial products.
Betting, gaming and lotteries are defined in the GA 2005. The definitions are complex but, as a summary:
Part 5 of GA 2005 deals with operating licences, (the essential permission needed to perform commercial gambling) including the way that licences are applied for and granted as well as the imposition of licence conditions.
Where difficulties arise or a breach of licence condition is suspected, the Commission has the power to review a licence and impose a series of sanctions from written warnings for minor infractions to financial penalties and revocation of the licence in serious cases. Although operating within a breach of a licence condition is technically a criminal offence (GA 2005, s 33) the Gambling Commission’s approach is generally to reserve criminal prosecution in relation to those who seek to operate gambling without a licence, whilst using regulatory mechanisms such as review for those operating with a licence.
At Solicitors Guru we have chosen the best gambling law solicitors in the UK, and narrowed them down to your area. To find the right one for you, start browsing or searching our website today.