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Ri A.
08 February 2019
I would rather not discuss my case in detail until the time is right, but feel a public duty to warn people off of this particular chap. I was remanded on a complete and utter lie, which could easily and quickly be disproven by reference to my phone bills and social media. But did he get that into court? Remember, I was on 23 hour plus lock up and reliant upon my lawyer. Iqbal Ahmed of Ahmed and Co. allowed the disclosure deadline to pass without submitting a single one of the many concrete pieces of evidence that I had instructed him to get and submit to the court. He only once came to prison, and that was after the disclosure deadline had passed, in order to tell me that he could not continue with the case! He claimed he could not continue with my case due to multiple tragedies in his family and that no one else in his firm was available. I was in prison! Trial was a few short weeks away! No evidence was thus offered on my behalf! I tried to adjourn but the DJ at Uxbridge Magistrates court said 'this poor woman has been waiting for two hours for the court to start', as a man on remand for two months, innocent until proven guilty, did not concern them in the least. As a result, the court said that I was legally represented (a new firm now) and had had ample opportunity to submit evidence. Obviously that was not true. In effect, being in prison on remand, I was utterly dependent upon Ahmed and Co. doing that most basic of requirement and giving the court the evidence of my innocence. He didn't. There was not enough time left before trial. The judge, in the absence of any of my evidence, found against me. I complained to him. He tries to make me appear to be in the wrong, with a thesis, all of which avoids the main point: I was found guilty, quite incorrectly, as a result of his neglect. You might want to consider the above while making a decision, re. which firm to choose!
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