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carl b.
27 July 2018
Due to the poor service that I received, I was forced to complain to Tinsdills, rather than holding a fair and thorough investigation as any reputable law firm would, - they closed ranks and stone-walled me. I then complained to the legal ombudsman, who upheld my complaint of poor service , ref no 175405 , date 25/7/17. and because they failed miserably to look after my interests as a union member ( they cover legal services for my union , GMB, ), I was forced to initiate a claim for constructive dismissal , through Acas, against my employer , which was , again, successful !, and brings into question, the competency of certain members of their team. To get my full story,please go to the prole star online news site and click on the GMB union story. Needless to say , I would not recommend this law firm to any-one, unless it was to an individual , for whom I had the utmost contempt.
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