I was the First International Whistleblower in British history,through Constantine Cannon, I have just done a Subject Access Request, which I claim is incomplete, it also shows a deep disrespect to me behind the scenes, an unpleasant malice whilst speaking to Whistleblowers UK who I aledge are unfit for purpose, my name is Andrew Patrick, I refer you to Cohen & Philips who I made the mistake of not moving with, when they moved away from Constantine Cannon. Now what I have found working my way through the Subject Access Report is Mary Inman laughing at my expense with Georgina Halford Hall, the apparent "Secretat" for the government party for WB,s anyone want proof of this just look me up on Twitter. This company clearly gets a great deal of pleasure from humiliating their clients behind their backs, I strongly suggest you as a Whistleblower will have been through enough without resorting to low, hostile abuse being carried out against you behind your back. You want proof, look me up on Twitter, I got a book load of it. Cohen & Philips.