All reviews of Tilly Bailey & Irvine LLP

daniel m.
08 August 2017
Went with this firm because of a £1000 buyers incentive on a buy-to-let property, even though their fees were higher I decided it was worth it for the incentive, but now wish I’d gone with someone else. Despite explaining to the conveyancer at the start that I work away and would need to be kept updated, she did the exact opposite and proceeded to ignore my emails. None of my questions got answered and I was kept completely in the dark right up until the end. It was only after I got so frustrated that I felt I was forced to complain, that she started to take an interest and actually told me what was going on. After the grief of a drawn out process that resulted in me needlessly taking time off work and wasting trips up and down the country, I cannot recommend this company due to the poor customer service I received. I did later get a follow up phone call and received an apology, but it was too little too late.
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