All reviews of Fernando Scornik Gerstein LLP

The True Legacy of D.
27 January 2020
I had a very bad experience with attorney Antonio Arenas who is a managing partner at Scornik Gerstein LLP. He email me requesting information about my case because I had emailed his Law Firm 2 months before he had contacted me about retaining counsel for my slander libel case about my father and his unsolved murder. He lie to me and said he wanted to help me with my case. Instead he gathered sensitive information about my father's unsolved murder and his slander libel case and then he never got back to me. A week and a half went by and I emailed him could he please get back to me. He email me back that he was busy and he would get back to me when he wasn't busy. Another week went by and I called his office and I said that I'm no longer interested in his services. He emailed me after I called his office and he spoke to his secretary and he told me that I was rude and how dare I leave ugly messages with his secretary. I did not leave ugly messages with his secretary as he stated to me. I told him I was going to do this review and he told me not to do this review. The man is sneaky and cannot be trusted. He was in my opinion not trying to help me. He was trying to gather information to help someone else with my slander libel case about my father who was murdered. His murder is unsolved and I am I family go through enough grief with his unsolved murder that we don't need sneaky attorneys like Antonio Arenas looking into what we have against a wealthy individual that made slanderous and liable comments about my father's Legacy and unsolved murder for his gain. I do not recommend this Law Firm. They do not care about their clients and I will not be using this firm ever in the future. I also advise you to go and look somewhere else for council because you could possibly go to the same crappy service that I went through. It's not worth it.
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